January 31: Snow Removal - Step 1
Shovel snow into a big pile via a small bulldozer (orange) and manual labor
Shovel snow into a big pile via a small bulldozer (orange) and manual labor
January 31: Snow Removal - Step 2
Scoop snow via front loader and transport to blue trash bin.
Scoop snow via front loader and transport to blue trash bin.
January 31: Snow Removal - Step 3
Put snow into trash bin for collection. All of the snow on the streets and a good majority in parking lots is removed from the city. Snow can not be piled up on the sides of the street as there would be not enough room for the cars to drive and park.
Put snow into trash bin for collection. All of the snow on the streets and a good majority in parking lots is removed from the city. Snow can not be piled up on the sides of the street as there would be not enough room for the cars to drive and park.