Photo Rules

As I am a former consultant, or maybe as a condition of my undiagnosed OCD, I love lists. I create them whenever possible. You name it and I have a list for it. I even have lists for my lists.

Here is the list of rules I established for taking and posting pictures on "This is a Russian Life in Photos":
  1. One photo or a serious of photos related to a particular theme will be posted each day on the site
  2. A short commentary setting the context of the picture will be provided.
  3. I am not a professional photographer. No reason to send me comments or advice on how to frame a picture, achieving the best lighting, etc.
  4. All photos are SOOC. This translates as "straight out of the camera". I do not plan on photoshopping any of the photos at this time. Please do not write and tell me they would look better if I would Photoshop the pictures. I already know this fact. Perhaps I will do this some time in the future, but for now let's just all celebrate the fact I am posting a picture daily.
  5. All pictures posted will be no more than 24 hours old unless otherwise noted.
  6. All content will site will be safe to view while at work. No illicit material will be posted on this blog. Do not send a me an e-mail or comment asking for any. You request will be denied.
  7. This site will NOT be dedicated to posting cute pictures of my children. Although my kids are Russian and awful cute! My family may be included in a photo from time to time, but they will not be the focus. Besides, the blog name "This is My Russian Family's Life in Photos" was already taken.
The Lieutenant, in his ever optimist style, was quick to point out there are a couple of things I did not think through when I started this site. Here are his questions: :

Questions 1: What will happen when you run out of ideas for photos?

I will start posting pictures of our kids. No really, there are over 12 million people living in Moscow. I believe I always be able to find something interesting to photograph in this city. I am not worried.

Question 2: What are you going to do when you go on vacation?

I will just enlist the help of one of my expat friends to take pictures and I will post from abroad using my mini-laptop. Failure is NOT an option. Beside, I now have a back-up plan in case of technical difficulties. You can read about it here.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to send them to me. I will add them to my list!

In conclusion, The Lieutenant and I have had a great time discussing and taking the daily pictures. It has been more fun than we both had expected. We will see if the fun wears off soon. In the mean time, I am already working on preparing The Lieutenant for the purchase of SLR camera. Whoo Hoo!

I hope you enjoy!