About Me

Here is the quick 411 about me and my life:
  1. I am happily married to a Russian man. A real Russian. He was born and raised in the Motherland.
  2. I have 2 children - 1 boy and 1 girl.
  3. I will be 32 again this year.
  4. I live in Moscow...Moscow, Russia not Moscow, Idaho
  5. My major at university was Industrial Engineering. I have a great affection for statical analysis.
  6. I study Russian full-time (defined by the Russian government as 16 hours of lessons a week), but I still speak very badly.
  7. I have accepted I am linguistically challenged.
  8. I understand 90% of what my kids say in Russian and it shocks them every time. They will not pull the wool over my eyes.
  9. I make a lot of grammar mistakes in my writing. Yes, I am talking about English grammar mistakes. No reason to send me an e-mail and let me know they are there. I know it.
  10. I like things neat, in order, and in list format. Bullet points rock!
  11. I was a consultant for almost 8 years.
  12. My home in the US is Houston, Texas. This is the city I moved to after I graduated from university and I will go back there someday.
  13. I never had an interest in Russia language, culture, or food prior to meeting The Lieutenant.
  14. The Lieutenant was an American citizen when we met. I, on the other hand, was not allowed to live in Russia until he married me.
  15. I like to read and scuba dive, but I have never read a book about scuba diving.
  16. I have a tattoo. My mother has never seen it. I am sure she is cringing about me posting this fact on the internet.
  17. I tell my son if he gets a tattoo when he grows up it better say "MOM" or "WOW"
  18. After I left consulting, I worked for a major technology company.
  19. My dream job would be as an editor. I am not good at picking out my own mistakes, but I have all sorts of suggestions for the books I read. I am well aware this is hypocritical. No need to e-mail me about this point.
  20. I am a very private person. Despite the fact I am writing this blog and tell people stories about myself, I keep a lot to myself. It takes a lot of time and work for someone to get to know the real me.
  21. I never like to be the center of attention, yet public speaking does not bother me. Strange!
  22. I am an extremely faithful friend.
  23. I am stopped by people all of the time on the street and asked directions. The Lieutenant says it is because I am one of the few people who make eye contact and smile at people in this cold, hard city.
  24. I can not roll an "R" to save my life. I could not do it when I studied Spanish at university and I can not do it now than I am studying Russian. It drives my Russian teacher mad.
  25. I worked in a profession photo lab in the shipping / receiving department when I was in college. This is where my interest in photography started. (Thanks you to my Aunt who got me this job!)
  26. I am a certified water polo referee, but I have never played water polo in my life. This was another great college job.
  27. My kids and husband make me laugh really hard.
  28. I enjoy being a mother. Don't sit next to me if you do not want to hear about my kids.
  29. I am sarcastic.
  30. I am a person of action.