Where do you live?
I live in Moscow, Russia.  Not Moscow, Idaho.

Why would I think you live in Moscow, Idaho?
Moscow, Idaho seems to be the most famous of the towns named Moscow in America.  You would be surprised by the number of times I have been asked "Is it cold in Idaho?" when I tell someone I live in Moscow.

Are there more towns named "Moscow" is the US besides just in Idaho?
There are 27 other states in the US with a town or city named Moscow.  They are:  
How do you know there are this many towns name Moscow in US?
Google, baby!

Why did you move to Moscow? 
The Lieutenant, as I like to call my significant other, was transferred here in April of 2008 by his employer.  He is Russian.  A real Russian - born and raised in the Motherland.  Someone at his company finally realized he was not bluffing when he listed "Fluent in Russian" on his resume.   So, they sent us here. 

How long will you live in Moscow?   
I have no idea.  

Do you like living in Moscow?   
This is a complicated question.   The answer to the question, most days, is "Yes, I do like living in Moscow!"   I am having a great time and trying to make the most of the experience. 

Do you speak Russian? 
Да, конечно! (Translation:  Yes, of course!)   

If you do not speak Russian, my Russian will sound fantastic to you and I will be able to impress you.  If you speak Russian, you will cringe at my grammar mistakes.  

Are the stories you write true?
All stories are true and not exaggerated.  You are welcome to sit next to us on our next transatlantic flight.   My kids do not scream on a plane.  They are too busy vomiting or asking "Why?" and "Are we there yet?".  After 14 hours on a plane with my vomiting, inquisitive children, you will know I only write the truth.

Why do your blog "This is a Russian Life"?
You can click here for the answer to this question.  The answer is in the last paragraph of my first post.

Why are you not on Facebook?
I have heard numerous people complain about how much time they spend on Facebook.  I know I will be addicted and am simply avoiding the temptation.  There are a lot of things I set out to accomplish when I move to Moscow and I am still need to devote time to these activities.  When I accomplish these things, I will sign-up for Facebook.

I will get there some day.

Why do you not Tweet?
At this time, Twitter does not support the Cyrillic Alphabet.  I am holding out in solidarity with my Russian friends!

What is the strangest thing you have seen in seen in Moscow?
Three monkeys, dressed in fur coats, riding in the backseat of a Lada.  Yes, this is true.  My son and I never did figured why they let one of them out of the baby car seat.

Why do you call your husband The Lieutenant?
You can read that story by clicking here.

How did you meet The Lieutenant? 
He was a mail order husband.  When he arrived, he did not look anything like his picture.  I decided to keep him as it was a bit too expensive to send him back.

Did The Lieutenant marry you for a green-card?
The Lieutenant as already a flag waving, American citizen when I met him.  I married him so that I could have the privilege of obtaining permanent residency in Russia.   This was a goal in my life.

Can I come visit you in Moscow? 
This question requires me 3 pronged approach answer: 
  1. If I know you and you know me, you are welcome to visit anytime.  This, of course, assumes we actually like each other. 
  2. If you are a friend of a friend, you are welcome to visit providing: 
    • Our mutual friend actually likes you and I like our mutual friend   
    • Our mutual friend provides a glowing reference for you
    • I respect our mutual friend's opinions
  3.  If you are a stalker, the answer is no.   You are not welcome.  I will save you a lot of time and trouble by telling you I am a rather dull in person.  I am near as witting or attractive in the flesh.  I am sure you can find better people to harasses without crossing internationalism boarders.  Russian prisons are not a nice place.
Do you give tours of Moscow?
I would be glad to show you around for the right price. 

I am thinking or planning on adopting from Russia.  What advice or help can you give me? 
All sarcasm set aside on the answer to this question.    God bless you! There are no words or pictures that describe the conditions or circumstances at some of the orphanages in Russia.  I would be glad to answer any of your questions.  You can find my contact information by clicking here.