Sarcasm And Truth

Now, for a few expanded thoughts and details about me, my life, and this blog:

I would like to tell you I am living my dream life, but like many others this is not the life I am had planned. I never planned on falling in love with a Russian. I never planned to marry a Russian. I never planned on learning to speak very bad Russian. And, I never planned to move to Motherland. None of this was part of my life plan. However, I am extremely grateful it turned out this way.

My life in Russia is fairly easy. I know this fact and I never mean to come across as self-loathing. I have help with the children and house, family close by, and a supportive / understanding spouse. However, there are days when day-to-day living is difficult as I am navigating in a lanugae that is not my own and within a culture I do not always understand. Living here is difficult, but it does get a little easier every day. I try to maintain my sense of humor, take along plenty of reading material in the car, and mumble incoherently in English like a crazy foreighner when needed. What else can a stranger in a strange land do?

I have an extremely sarcastic sense of humor. If you read one of those "how to blog" posts they will tell you sarcasm does not translate well as written words. I do not care! And, even more importantly, I cannot help myself. This is the way I am. I blame my parental units. If you know me, then you will be able to understand when I am being sarcastic versus serious; if you do not know, keep reading as you will figure it out. I will tell you when I am NOT being sarcastic if I want to make a serious point. Not everything I write is sarcastic. I do know when to stop and realize there are a few of you out there who want to read something more every now and then.

All stories are true and not exaggerated. (Although, I do have friends tell me my apartment is not really that bad. Yes, I often think it is not that bad when I look into my mirrored bathroom ceiling at the red cabinets, mauve tile, and flying geese etched into the glass door. You can form your own opinion from the pictures posted on the site. ) The Lieutenant keeps me honest and authenticates each and every post. Please know I have only changed a few names and details to protect the innocent, but never The Lieutenant himself.

If you are a glutton for punishment and do not believe my stories are true, well then, I invite you to sit next to us and hold the vomit bag for my daughter on our next transatlantic flight. I guarantee after a 14 hour fight in coach with my two kids, 1 full vomit bag, and The Lieutenant you will know I write only the truth.

I hope you enjoy my stories and thank you for visiting my little corner on the internet!